
üma kleppinger

writer. fighter. idea igniter.

Hi. Hello. You must be curious about me or you wouldn’t be here. Well, as luck would have it, that Mercury retrograde did a number on my technology last month, so I'm busy working to reimagining this website.



about üma


I work with mission-driven entrepreneurs and businesses leaders who care about doing good as well as doing business.

As a writer I provide compelling copy tailored for your audience and ideal customer, will ghostwrite your thought leadership content (books, even!), and write provocative editorial pieces related to the human condition.

Before becoming a writer I was a graphic designer and art director in publishing. I still do the occasional branding or web design project just to keep the skills sharp. Because I limit this type of workload, what's key for me when deciding to take on a branding client is an alignment of core values.

I've made the Pacific Northwest my home since 2002. I love the forests and trails, and access to water.  When I’m not working, you can find me on a bike, a trail, or a stage performing at a local story slam.

I’m not great with small talk but if you want to connect and talk about the meaning of life, the collapse of late-stage capitalism, or why following your bliss is TERRIBLE business advice, I’m all yours.